On this page you will find public notices relating to:
- the diversion and extinguishment of Public Rights of Way
- Definitive Map Modification Orders
- landowner statements and deposits
- common land and village green matters
If you would like to submit an objection or representation in relation to one of the notices published below (where applicable) email the Legal Services team.
A landowner deposit made under section 31(6) of the Highways Act 1980 and section 15A of the Commons Act 2006 for land at East Kingston Farmhouse.
Henfield and Woodmancote
Notice of Modification Order under Section 53 of The Wildlife And Countryside Act 1981.
West Sussex County Council (Chanctonbury No. 2: Henfield and Woodmancote (Addition of a Bridleway and upgrade of Footpath 2540 to a Bridleway)) Definitive Map Modification Order 2025.
A landowner deposit made under section 31(6) of the Highways Act 1980 and section 15A of the Commons Act 2006 for land at Land at Wantley Lane, Wantley Hill Estate, Henfield, BN5 9JQ.
A landowner deposit made under section 31(6) of the Highways Act 1980 and section 15A of the Commons Act 2006 for land at Parham Park, Storrington, Pulborough, RH20 4HS.
Readvertisement of TVG 31/52 - Application to register land known as ‘open space adjacent to Nutham Lane and Cedar Drive, Southwater, Horsham’ as a town or village green.
The appended plan has been changed from the original supplied with the application.